First things first... play this vid to set the soundtrack straight...
Testing out the photobooth app on my new macbook. Cor, I thought you might enjoy these 'cuz it's just like the stupid stuff we do when we're together, plus I know your So-Cal ass is missing SB culture up north in the smug sterility of SF, lord knows I do back here in NY... on the daily.

^ LOL so serious... *tongue click* "Don't make me cutchoo pendejo!"
And Dude, here's a special treat... I found the concept design for the El Camino (was labeled "Cadillac," I'm guessing incorrectly, but back then these were just idea cars, often developed and produced by different manufactioners/bidders). I know it's your favorite, so check out where she started Holmes.
F-f-fuckin fly esse'!