Saturday, March 29, 2008

What’s Been Ringing Lovely In My Ears Lately…

Echoing the flow of life, I’ve drifted through so many phases of musical soundtracks to surf on… and in the last year really shutting out the force fed and tuning my mind toward what it wants to hear, seeking out the unknown familiar sounds that play in my dreams… my latest love affairs that I cant get enough of hark back toward childhood memories that time of unbound innocent adventure exploration of what you want the world to be, because… well, why isn’t it?!

Sam Cooke is my Di Vinci and it’s funny because of all his albums that I have found along my way, my favorites are the ones I first disregarded because they didn’t have tracks like “Cupid” and “Having A Party”… oh the foolishness of youth!...don’t get me wrong now, I still love those songs dearly… it’s just that lately, I cant seem to get enough of these two here that used to sit dusty a long time ago…

You Send Me... The 3rd cd in the set... with the Soul Stirrers. Ssssshhhh... don't tell Satan that sometimes Jesus makes just as good music... holy moley! the beauty in the passion of these voices.

Ain’t That Good News… A truly remarkable album. There are songs that stick on me all day humming to myself and belting aloud in those wonderful quiet private moments, there are songs that bring me home, and other ones that make this tough-ass mamacita cry!

Rusty Gin Joint Music
… my most recent random obsession… it’s been haunting my dreams for a long while now, flooded from golden phonograph in a misty garden of light long lost from the earth... that I seem to slip into more and more each day…

Ghostland Observatory
… had the great fortune to see these dudes rock out last night…

…and all I know now is that I NEED a laser light system in my apartment, and I honestly don’t know how I’ve survived so long without one.

These guys are great... totally pyrotechnic... check em out in action!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's Official... Spontaneous Vacation… Let the Countdown Begin!!!...

By this time next week I’ll be entranced euphoric, lazy on the sand, swimming in the sea, chillin with my chica-loca up to no good, and just...

sittin in the sun…
countin my money (well not really but that’s how it goes)…
happy as I can be…

In immortal anticipation I’ve had this foxy little song in my head for the last few days… and I’ve been shamelessly subconsciously singing it aloud regardless of my surroundings… in the shower, at work, in elevators, in the subway, at the library…so please feel free to join in… it won’t hurt I promise… and you never know, it might just make you smile.

One of the many reasons I’m happy to have been born into more modern times…

Brazilian cut bikinis!!!... not yellow polka dot but indeed teeny-weenie...

Ahh yes... our exotic foreign destination...
and good God, I hope Spring Break is over...
but I'm going for the beach and the beach alone...
so whateva:

And... in other news…
This is what a good night looks like the morning after!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Never Shittalk a Gypsy...

Random moments of glorious lost morality always have a way of finding me in this town...

Last night went out with work friends to shoot some stick… like a usual Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday night. Table packed at Whisky Ward (my regular spot for their stacked juke) so we booked it to Vasmay, where I met yet another classic seedy NY character, one of the bars various derelict regulars, (Cokey) Pete. A distant acquaintance of my companion, when he shook my hand, as he exited the bathroom, he loudly assLured me…”Don’t worry, I pissed all over it! I’m Pete, and I’m an asshole!” (and my friend assured me that indeed he was). Little did I know this was only a prelude to his loveliness. He had a tongue that cut like a knife, and I don’t think he was expecting me to fire it back at him. We got on well… in that sort of I hate you, you hate me kind of ball busting, but not joking way. As the night progressed he laid down the psychic skills on me… knew I was from California… knew I partook in 4:20…and asked me to flash some gang signs (for which I gladly obliged and he flipped me off in return).

But he got one thing wrong…well two things actually… the first was that white girls can’t play pool, which I schooled him on when I kicked his ass (and believe me, I’m no superstar) while The Devil Dogs “Get on Your Knees” ironically played in the background (YES!!!)… and the second (and perhaps most unfortunate) misreading me as a flower child, for quickly my name became “Hippie Janis”. Now I know how a drunken man can get confused at times and I suppose it is an easy mistake to make on a surface glance. But I took no insult, for instead I robbed him blind in gambled beers, while my companion thieved his Zippo and awarded it to me later as a trophy with long acquired knowledge in the words, “He had it coming for a long time, and I’m just glad it was a chick that finally let him have it.”


Monday, March 24, 2008

...Messin' Round...

Weekend mischief... all terribly, terribly exciting...
Walkin round the south part of my hood... spring has apparantly sprung...

^^^I love this dude's dashboard... so great the random things you stumble upon in this city.

I tend to look at the world from a different perspective... and so I like to make my camera do the same. I spy with my peepin eye...

^^^ Look to the left...

^^^Look to the right... coast is clear...

^^^ Now... PICK THAT SHIT!!!...

Again... finding more distorted worlds in the lids of trash cans...
Surely a porthole into a parallel dimension... if I could only squeeze through the little door...

^^^ Looks familiar... hmm...

Now... anyone who knows me, knows I spend all my dough on books and CD's (... yes CD's...nerd alert... I'm old fashioned)... some of this weekends treasure... plucked and plundered...

Only 3 are new and you can probably guess which... the rest came off the dollar rack from a store by my office... I buy loads off this thing...all the time... but this time I went inside askin for vintage pin up mags... and got a little something extra that wasn't in my lot or on the reciept... HOW TO MASSAGE YOUR FREAKIN CAT....!!!!??? WHAT!!!!
Either this guy thought me to be one of the *ahem* butch ladies... like I have a cat or 50... or we got subliminal messages going on here... "Um... yeah, so are you saying I need to stroke my pussy or what?!"... CREEP-O! Hopefully I'm reading too much into it... at least I hope.

More cars... yes, total OCD... looking back on old notes found this doodle... sometimes the ones you're not paying attention to turn out to be the greatest works... it is just so loose. Damn.
And another for the anal rendering... bonus points if you can shout it out... (designed a lot earlier that one would think). Jesus Christ... I just realized... I penned it on the bumper. So much for trying to be sly...
More luck on the street... ch-ch-checkeeet ooout esse!

My favorite character in all of NY land... the elusive SOHO Ninja... my man has got some SERIOUS skills with the trash bag camoflague...FO REALZ... but not today... glad to see he's out gettin some sun.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

The Latest...

Fresh from the sketchbook...

...'57 Mercury...
Definitely a model I want to work more with...the shape is spectacular... tunneled lights... and look at those fins! Double dayum!!!

...Classic '57 Chevy...
Similar body shape as above... what can I say this was a great year for cars in general...all about the finer details you just don't see in designs today... heavy chrome grills, spacey lights, and of course flyaway fins... satanic spinner DUBS obviously weren't around back then... for shame.

...'55 Beatnik...
Now this one is pretty crazy... concept design by Ford a few years previous to what's above... never put into production but you can see how this style influenced some of the most cherry rides from this decade. Sort of surfy dreamer vibe going on here... wavelike contours... that f-f-fly glass dome...double barrel shotgun bumpers... and a five(count 'em... FIVE!)pipe hood exhaust.

...Model Study of Porsches '57-'58...
In prep for the painting below... a study of mainly the progression in bumper design... my 'ma had a 1600 hard top way way back when... I wanted to paint it for her but she couldn't remember the year... after digging up the research and extracting vague memories of the bumper (used, it came stripped) I was able to figgure it out... '57 single straight not the '58 double curved bar.

...'57 Porsche Speedster 1600...
Still in the process of finishing the glitter paint (the original car was that glittery irridescent midnight navy...that color that only exists in nature on beetles and ladybugs) a challenge to reproduce in acrylics... just a few more dark transparent layers and it should hit... then the chrome deets, rims, etc.

...'59 Chevy Impala...
Ok ok... also in progress...needs some grill work and a windshield. Regardless, this is one of my favorite cars ever... I have drawn it so many times I know the curves of the grill with my eyes closed. The tail end of this badboy is tops as well... but I kept the cropping I had sketched up ages ago as a mixtape cover (well ok a burned CD... but I'm oldschool so it's still a mixtape to me).

...The Inspiration...
Somehow I prefer the plain in black and white... paper and ink... pure in its simple incarnation... but growing up in Southern California I hold a soft spot for lowrider flair... so smacking it down some color... Snoop glitter green... well it just had to be done.

...Not a Car!!!...
So enough OCD with the cars... all sorts of things inspire me... and too often at the same time. This is one I've been working on for a friend's birthday... just your everyday neighborhood desert rider on a flourescent camel... this is so so so close to being done... just need few more detalis... bedouin tassles... perhaps some outline definition... and a big ass A-K tapped up on his shoulder.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Have a Friend Above All Others...

Yeah… maybe a little odd starting this all with an obituary (some how time and space always seem to play jokes on me)… but I just got to be honest with life and what the tide brings my way, weirdo timing and all… and give a shout out to my fallen homie, because he’s always been what I been into…

.................R.I.P. Wooley Bear 1992-2008................

My dearest friend, it is cloudy tonight in New York City, but I feel radiant hidden under it all, knowing the stars shine brighter now than in all their infinite lives with your fool child spirit laced upon the whole universe.
Cito Rats Diablos Locos 4eva!!!

When I got the news last night that he had passed... my girl, Nance, made me a sake cocktail to cheer me up…

And when I got home I started the party proper to send off los muertos…

I huffed (South Carolina moonshine), and I puffed (trees), and I blew the house down (thank you Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs), dancing the devil into my carpet evangelical (like James below… so so funny that) thrice over to WOOLEY BULLY… amped at 11… at two in the morning… I’m sure my neighbors hate me but, like every circumstance it seems in my life, there is no shame great enough to repress such pure inclinations.