^^^Look to the right... coast is clear...
^^^ Now... PICK THAT SHIT!!!...
Again... finding more distorted worlds in the lids of trash cans...
Surely a porthole into a parallel dimension... if I could only squeeze through the little door...
^^^ Looks familiar... hmm...
Now... anyone who knows me, knows I spend all my dough on books and CD's (... yes CD's...nerd alert... I'm old fashioned)... some of this weekends treasure... plucked and plundered...
Only 3 are new and you can probably guess which... the rest came off the dollar rack from a store by my office... I buy loads off this thing...all the time... but this time I went inside askin for vintage pin up mags... and got a little something extra that wasn't in my lot or on the reciept... HOW TO MASSAGE YOUR FREAKIN CAT....!!!!??? WHAT!!!! Either this guy thought me to be one of the *ahem* butch ladies... like I have a cat or 50... or we got subliminal messages going on here... "Um... yeah, so are you saying I need to stroke my pussy or what?!"... CREEP-O! Hopefully I'm reading too much into it... at least I hope.
More cars... yes, total OCD... looking back on old notes found this doodle... sometimes the ones you're not paying attention to turn out to be the greatest works... it is just so loose. Damn. And another for the anal rendering... bonus points if you can shout it out... (designed a lot earlier that one would think). Jesus Christ... I just realized... I penned it on the bumper. So much for trying to be sly...
More luck on the street... ch-ch-checkeeet ooout esse!
My favorite character in all of NY land... the elusive SOHO Ninja... my man has got some SERIOUS skills with the trash bag camoflague...FO REALZ... but not today... glad to see he's out gettin some sun.
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