...'57 Mercury...
Definitely a model I want to work more with...the shape is spectacular... tunneled lights... and look at those fins! Double dayum!!!

...Classic '57 Chevy...
Similar body shape as above... what can I say this was a great year for cars in general...all about the finer details you just don't see in designs today... heavy chrome grills, spacey lights, and of course flyaway fins... satanic spinner DUBS obviously weren't around back then... for shame.

...'55 Beatnik...
Now this one is pretty crazy... concept design by Ford a few years previous to what's above... never put into production but you can see how this style influenced some of the most cherry rides from this decade. Sort of surfy dreamer vibe going on here... wavelike contours... that f-f-fly glass dome...double barrel shotgun bumpers... and a five(count 'em... FIVE!)pipe hood exhaust.

...Model Study of Porsches '57-'58...
In prep for the painting below... a study of mainly the progression in bumper design... my 'ma had a 1600 hard top way way back when... I wanted to paint it for her but she couldn't remember the year... after digging up the research and extracting vague memories of the bumper (used, it came stripped) I was able to figgure it out... '57 single straight not the '58 double curved bar.

...'57 Porsche Speedster 1600...
Still in the process of finishing the glitter paint (the original car was that glittery irridescent midnight navy...that color that only exists in nature on beetles and ladybugs) a challenge to reproduce in acrylics... just a few more dark transparent layers and it should hit... then the chrome deets, rims, etc.

...'59 Chevy Impala...
Ok ok... also in progress...needs some grill work and a windshield. Regardless, this is one of my favorite cars ever... I have drawn it so many times I know the curves of the grill with my eyes closed. The tail end of this badboy is tops as well... but I kept the cropping I had sketched up ages ago as a mixtape cover (well ok a burned CD... but I'm oldschool so it's still a mixtape to me).

...The Inspiration...
Somehow I prefer the plain sketch...it in black and white... paper and ink... pure in its simple incarnation... but growing up in Southern California I hold a soft spot for lowrider flair... so smacking it down some color... Snoop glitter green... well it just had to be done.

...Not a Car!!!...
So enough OCD with the cars... all sorts of things inspire me... and too often at the same time. This is one I've been working on for a friend's birthday... just your everyday neighborhood desert rider on a flourescent camel... this is so so so close to being done... just need few more detalis... bedouin tassles... perhaps some outline definition... and a big ass A-K tapped up on his shoulder.

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