Saturday, March 29, 2008

What’s Been Ringing Lovely In My Ears Lately…

Echoing the flow of life, I’ve drifted through so many phases of musical soundtracks to surf on… and in the last year really shutting out the force fed and tuning my mind toward what it wants to hear, seeking out the unknown familiar sounds that play in my dreams… my latest love affairs that I cant get enough of hark back toward childhood memories that time of unbound innocent adventure exploration of what you want the world to be, because… well, why isn’t it?!

Sam Cooke is my Di Vinci and it’s funny because of all his albums that I have found along my way, my favorites are the ones I first disregarded because they didn’t have tracks like “Cupid” and “Having A Party”… oh the foolishness of youth!...don’t get me wrong now, I still love those songs dearly… it’s just that lately, I cant seem to get enough of these two here that used to sit dusty a long time ago…

You Send Me... The 3rd cd in the set... with the Soul Stirrers. Ssssshhhh... don't tell Satan that sometimes Jesus makes just as good music... holy moley! the beauty in the passion of these voices.

Ain’t That Good News… A truly remarkable album. There are songs that stick on me all day humming to myself and belting aloud in those wonderful quiet private moments, there are songs that bring me home, and other ones that make this tough-ass mamacita cry!

Rusty Gin Joint Music
… my most recent random obsession… it’s been haunting my dreams for a long while now, flooded from golden phonograph in a misty garden of light long lost from the earth... that I seem to slip into more and more each day…

Ghostland Observatory
… had the great fortune to see these dudes rock out last night…

…and all I know now is that I NEED a laser light system in my apartment, and I honestly don’t know how I’ve survived so long without one.

These guys are great... totally pyrotechnic... check em out in action!!!

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