We always know the right way back...

Take no prisoners... know how to PARTY!!!
Stockpiled a glorious porn cache.
Happy happy little PYRO!

Sparking shit and tearing up the sky!!!

Drinkin' BURR and toasting spliffies...

Nathan... of the old school Stamford crew one'a Cor's bestest...
What a funny good-times motherfucker!

Kung-Fu Cor!!!...

Target practice... 22's

Settin' the target tree...

Shoot 'em up BADASS!!!
Upper field exploration...

Me and my Pops...
(Mighty Injun Joe)

Sick one Cor... Aye CHULA!!!

Messin' round... on rusty stuffs.

Under outlaw colors...

Napalm sky...

dust pirates lie.