Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Vic Is The Best!!!...

Victoria... (not Vicky... cuz there are both)...
is THE muthafuckin COOLEST...

So... to backlog... 
towards the present... 
last Friday...

I was shootin' pool and messin' round with the bar signs outside at (new) Vasmay...


And then today, Vic was all, like... "So... I got this blank chalkboard here... will you do something scary? (like Halloween like)... no pressure"... and like... "please could you?" 
(insert charming bartendress smile)

Never one to resist a dare... kindly obliged...

And... then... she axed me to do THE WOLE FRIGGIN' WALL!!!...
it's in pool chalk and all...  and massive HUGE... and a little (well, mega) distorted 
(from between the pool games, and the dark, and the beers it came by)... 
but... Jesus Christ, I had so much FUN!!!
Plus it earned me FREE BEERS through the rest of the night!

Talkin', next time... maybe they'll let me do one with paint. 

Hot damn... cross 'yer bloody fingers!


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