^^^My good house guests (el director y mi puta loca) at the after party last night/this morning... I love these kids!!!
The theater...
Film Q&A stuff...
The shitty Rivington Hotel Bar... thanks for kicking us all out.
The party came home... at 4:30 this morning... Kyzza (^^^pendejo loco) grabbed the guitar and amped it on 10... my neighbors totally hate me... but it was fun.
Although today, I feel like Gerardo in ^^^this picture... mega ZOMBIE.
^^^ Annai (aka: "Guera")... I LOVE this girl.
Guera y Claudio passed out...
And Kyzza and Claudio snuggled... MARICAS are lucky I didn't break out the sharpie.
P.S. Semi, you were GREATLY missed, so we poured some for you!