Fate blessed me to you, my luminous eccentric devil of a Mother... talismanic wonder kid... obviously my dark twisted sick sense of humor... must have come somewhere from Dad...

Been thinkin 'bout you lady... and another pencil-less (miracle in that) painting has evolved... remnants of the old Fernald Point property. I love how we are the phantom propriators of the ONLY, ever magestic, Montecito NUDIE BEACH!!!
And just so you know... Grandpa lurks here... I've seen him.
A real natural PERV just like the rest of us!
Makes me proud.

I look at you every morning... still as beautiful as always...
And I wonder, why didn't I ever get a damn pony?!
I kid. I kid. I hate shoveling horse shite.
You know this well.
Have a wonderful day and don't get too wasted at the party tonight... OK?!
I wish I could be there with you to share in the laughter... the sky is a'sparkling over your smiles today!
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