Last night... twilight drifted in, on new summer wind, through sycamore trees and with it rained simple happiness... the kind you know subconscious, hidden deep in your mind from past lives... the kind that makes you wonder what could have been if fate were cast a little different in
this life... and the kind that makes you grateful, risking everything for that one shadowy second, even if it
is fleeting... just to feel it alive again, if for only a moment in the present.
Enough of the deep shit. Let's get silly...
Wandered into sketch night again at Semi's, where I awoke this morning... Thanks Sem, you my lucky devil chica, I always touch tighter shit when we sit and draw together.

Click on it to see 'er up close. She got a damn swimming pool in the back (Cor... you can see I was thinking of you), just like what we dreamed about when were kids in the 80's when that kind of tacky shit was mad cool.
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